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国画 名家 黄国强 艺术品扫码支付系统
    画家黄国强,又名黄炎,号拙人,别号赤道之子,广东花县人,一九三二年六月生于马来西亚。早年在马来西亚学习西洋画,并从事油画创作。一九五四年回中国深造。     一九六零年毕业于中央工艺美术学院。成绩优异,留校任教。曾任该院装饰艺术系、书籍艺术系副主任、基础部主任,任教授兼学术委员会与职称评审委员会委员,云南大学国际现代设计艺术学院院长兼董事。现任马来西亚国际现代艺术集团驻中国教育总监、湖南炎帝大学正山国际设计艺术学院院长兼董事、马来西亚国际资讯设计艺术学院客座教授、马来西亚英特国际学院客座教授兼学术顾问,为中国美术家协会会员。     画家黄国强擅长墨彩人物与焦墨山水画。     画家黄国强编著有《中国传统装饰画》、《黄国强彩墨画》、《黄国强画集》。     画家黄国强常在国内及法国、德国、澳大利亚、奥地利、纽西兰、新加坡、摩洛哥、菲律宾、马来西亚等国举办画展与讲学,作品为一些国家博物馆、艺术中心、艺术学院和收藏家收藏。   Mr Huang is an artist, whose name is Huang Guoqiang or Huang Yan. His mark is Zhuoren and alias is "son of the equator". He is Hua county people, who was born in June,1932, in Malaysia. When he was young, he studied western-style painting, and engadge in oil painting creation. In 1954, he came bake to motherland to pursue advanced studies. He graduated from China Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in 1960. Because of his good results, he was left behind to be teacher. In the academy, he was once as assistant director of Decorative Art Department and Book Art Department, and the director of Foundation Department. Also, he was a professor and the member of Academic Committee and Title Appraisal committee. Now, he hold lots of posts, such as, he is the education majordomo in China of Malaysia International Modern Art Group, the member of Chinese Artist Association and so on. Mr Huang is good at Color Ink character and Burnt Ink landscape. Mr Huang have written several books, Chinese tradition decoration painting,Huang Guoqiang Color Ink Painting, Huang Guoqiang painting collection. Huang Guoqiang usually held exhibitions and gave lectures in China, France, Germany, Australia,Austria, New Zealand, Singapore, Morocco, philippines, Malaysia. Many of his artistic works have been collected by national museum, art center, art academe and collecter.